- In various projects we cooperate with distinguished experts of different areas of Law and Economy, so they become team members for the certain project.
Their specialization particularly is in the areas of Corporate Law, Securities and Governmental procedures. We are glad to have them in our team whenever it is requested and needed and we share their opinion with satisfaction. Their engagement is especially useful in complicate and huge projects when it is necessary to choose the best solution of several possible legal ways for completing the proposed transaction. Certainly, our professional cooperation is based on strictly determined obligations including the statement of conflict of interest and working in the best interest of our clients. When some of ours experts become a team member we provide our client with his complete data together with personal data of all team members involved in the project.
Monevski Law Firm
Orce Nikolov St. 99/1-2, 1000 Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
tel/fax: +389 2 3238162; +389 2 3117363; cell phone: +389 70 233371